Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Anger's Place in Self Defense

When it comes to self defense we should all have a plan, or several plans of escape. Many factors will vary in every situation: location, time of day, type of attack, etc. You should always have a set of techniques that you can practice and execute at will. They should not be complicated or complex.

We can usually think clearer when we are calm. But most of us are not going to remain calm once we realize we are in a self defense situation, so let's go with angry instead of serene.

If you practice awareness and avoidance techniques until they are habitual, hopefully you would have less chance of using your plan. There should be less chance of a total surprise attack against you. If you were walking and sensed someone walking up behind you and gaining on you, you should turn directly toward them and look them in the eye.

Looking someone in the eye serves a couple purposes. When you make eye contact you may be able to evaluate the person and try to determine if they are, in fact, a threat to you. If you decide they are just someone in a hurry and mean you no harm you can then look off in the distance, after a quick smile and nod, like you were looking for something else.

If this person was a threat, your act of making eye contact can be enough to make them change they minds. Women who make solid eye contact usually do not have self esteem issues and women who do have low self esteem make easier victims. If you do have low self esteem, don't show it! Making eye contact with an attacker also eliminates an attack from the back!

What if you turn around, make eye contact and you perceive a threat? Get angry! If they continue toward you simply start yelling for them to get away from you. A likely reaction would be for the offender to look at you like you are crazy and walk the other way. Perps don't like to make a scene! How embarrassing! Better embarrassed than attacked.

What if he continues toward you and grabs you. Forget etiquette- this is no time to be polite! Remember no one has the right to touch you with out your permission! This person means to harm you. He's probably larger and stronger than you are. He probably has a plan. You need the element of surprise. You need to surprise him by getting angry- real angry.

Whatever physical techniques you have practiced, you will now execute with all the angry energy you can muster. Yelling, again, is great, not only to discourage the attack, but to help focus your power. Push, shove, hit, kick and/or stomp as hard and as fast as you can and just keep it coming. As Jessie Wales said, "Time to get plain mad dog mean!"

Use any "dirty" trick you can think of. Slam your elbow into his throat, gouge his eyes, knee his groin- but only if you are already in that close- don't move in for any of the techniques. Remember the goal is to escape. Study pressure points for information on pressure point self defense.

As soon as his grip is loosened, run. Run hard and fast to the nearest populated place and call the police. Hopefully you can remember and give an accurate description of the perp.

Anger does have a use in self defense, as long as you can think clearly and harness that power to deliver effective techniques to expedite your escape.

Su Ericksen is a first degree TaeKwonDo black belt and has taught self defense workshops. She lives in the Midwest with her family and works at a large medical center in the cardiology clinic. To read more on this subject please visit her website:
Self Defense-4-Women.com
You may contact her through her website.

Article Source:


Su Ericksen - EzineArticles Expert Author

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