Thursday, September 30, 2010

Will Mole Removal Cost You Too Much Money?

Having unwanted moles can cause a great deal of stress to a lot of people. However, the burning question on every sufferer's lips is: Will mole removal cost too much?

The cost of mole removal is generally around £100 to £300 and the average for treatments is normally £150, but of course this entirely depends on the surgery you visit. If the reason for your visit to the specialist is purely for cosmetic reasons then unfortunately the NHS will not cover the costs. Depending on the type of mole, mole removal surgery is available through your doctor or via a dermatologist.

A doctor may be able to remove a mole fairly quickly using a local anaesthetic, in which case this kind of treatment, called excision, and is likely to cost you around £100. However costs do vary widely. When you opt to pay to have a mole removed, the initial consultations will also be charged as well as the procedure itself. In total this can all lead to very hefty medical bill.

If spending a lot of money is not necessarily an option for you then you may want to consider laser therapy. Laser mole removal is the preferred choice when it comes to removing unwanted moles as it is quick and reduces the amount of scarring to the skin that can be caused by an excision. This does however come with a higher price tag. Laser therapy in the UK costs around £300 and may be £75 for each mole thereafter. Which is why this procedure is usually opted for when the individual has fewer and smaller moles because the more moles you have, the bigger the bill at the end!

Because mole removal can cost a great deal of money, many people search for alternative methods such as natural remedies like essential oils and sometimes even herbs. Natural methods have got many advantages as they are cheap, very easy to come by and often you may have a special mole removal ingredient sitting in your kitchen cupboard. Now isn't that easier than hours of consultations followed by a surgical procedure at the end of it!

This is why I personally recommend that anyone wanting to remove a mole without the huge expense should try home remedies. However, in the case of a suspicious mole, never attempt to treat the mole using home remedies until consulting with your doctor firstly.

Nicola Milne is a mole and wart removal expert. For more great tips on mole removal cost and to find out all about the alternative herbal remedies for removing a mole, visit

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