Thursday, September 30, 2010

Preventing Ingrown Hairs With the No!No! Permanent Hair Removal System

For a great deal of time now ingrown hair has plagued many people. This problem can appear anywhere there is hair including legs, underarms and your bikini line. Ingrown hairs are caused by the hair becoming trapped under your skin and continuing to grow. This can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain. Although this is not a serious skin care problem due to the irritation it can cause it may result in inflammation of the skin and look incredibly unsightly. This is a problem that affects people of all ages at one time or another. Although there are many different remedies you can try to resolve your problem.

A great natural solution to ingrown hair is using a salt solution. Try adding one cup of water and around 2 tea spoons of salt. Then take a cotton swab and apply to the area. You must then allow the solution to dry naturally without washing it off. This will cleanse the skin and exfoliate the area.

Another home treatment for ingrown hairs is to use one cup of cane sugar and half a cup of olive oil. Another great tip is to add some of your favourite essential oils. This will make it smell great and is really good for your skin. You must make sure you do this regularly. I recommend once a day for around a week.

There is another solution to the problem though. As permanent hair removal technology improves other options become available to you. It is possible to avoid ingrown hairs by using the No!No hair removal system. This is a completely painless permanent hair removal system available to you that using innovative new technology that is completely different from all hair removal treatments currently available. This permanent hair removal system does not use any primitive razors. It works by producing pulses of heat to remove the hair from the surface. After repeated use this will reduce new hair growth and make the newer hair thinner and more manageable. From recent studies that have been taken on the No!No they have show up to a 94% reduction in new hair. This can easily been achieved by using the No!No twice a week for 6 to 12 weeks. So stop using your razor now and try the new innovative No!No permanent hair removal solution. Click below to read more about my experiences for the No!No.

Click here to read about my experiences with the No!No! permanent hair removal system. Or you can read more about Home Permanent Hair Removal here.

Article Source:

Lauren Fitz-Gerald - EzineArticles Expert Author

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