The four different techniques that are used to remove a mole are: excision, natural mole removal remedies, cryotherapy and laser therapy. In this article I am going to discuss the option of laser mole removal, firstly because it's the fastest removal method and secondly because it produces the least amount of scarring especially when the moles in question have not responded to any other form of mole removal therapy.
Due to the fact laser mole removal does not penetrate deep into the skin, large moles generally can not be removed with this method because they protrude too deeply within the dermis and usually in these cases excision is required. Moles that are small and flat will often respond more appropriately to laser therapy, these are the types of moles that a person was either born with or has recently developed i.e. through excess sun exposure.
Before laser removal can be attempted, the specialist must determine how deep the mole penetrates the skin in order to accurately burn off all of the nevus tissue to prevent the mole from ever growing back. In many cases, when a patient undergoes laser treatment they may not even require any anaesthetic because the pain felt from laser removal is very minimal. The sensation has often been described as being snapped with a rubber band or may simply produce a tingling sensation. Either way most people can handle it for the sake of a 15 to 30 minute procedure!
As the laser penetrates the mole it works by sealing off the blood vessels to the mole and evaporating the tissue. This allows the mole to be removed without the need to cut or stitch the area which in turn produces little to absolutely no scarring.
After the procedure has been completed a scab will begin to form over the area where your mole once was. This normally takes around two weeks to fall off on its own. The only indication there was ever a mole there will be in the form of some slight redness where the scab has fallen off; this too will disappear after a period of time.
Nicola Milne is a mole and wart removal expert. For more information on mole laser removal, visit Article Source: |
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