Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Find A Viable Cure For Dark Circles

Let me tell you a quick story. If you are looking for a viable cure for dark circles, puffiness beneath the eyes, wrinkles and sagging skin, then you are going to have to look past that which is so often recommended. The majority of the simple remedies and over the counter formulas suggested to treat these issues are not capable of producing major improvement or lasting change. The affect that they have will not rectify any of your problems.

Most of these cures will simply tighten your skin for a few hours at a time by causing the skin tissue to contract. This will temporarily draw the skin tight, increase the feeling of firmness, and help to reduce skin slackening. What these remedies don’t do is address the all important reasons behind skin slackening and lost firmness and elasticity, nor what causes bags to form underneath of the eyes.

Other than not correcting the issues that will offer a workable solution for puffiness beneath the eyes, wrinkles and sagging, their answer for providing a cure for dark circles skin is usually little more than forcing the blood vessels to constrict. This does temporarily lighten the discoloration, but it will return soon enough. None of the problems that cause discoloration are typically addressed by these formulas.

In order to cause the discoloration beneath your eyes to lessen considerably, you need specific natural compounds proven to have a positive effect on the circulatory issues at work. There is an incredibly effective peptide based compound called Haloxyl, which has been proven to reduce discoloration under the eye by 60% or more. Most companies refuse to include this compound in their formulas, because it is expensive.

A cure for dark circles, puffiness beneath the eyes, wrinkles and sagging skin that contains Haloxyl will allow you to improve blood flow to the area, allow for the speedy removal of oxidized blood accumulated in the eye, and rebuild fatty tissue to plump up the skin underneath the eye. The only thing that Haloxyl can’t do is lessen capillary permeability, but thinking cosmetic companies have you covered there.

This is why the companies providing you with the effective anti aging eye contour serums use another combination of peptides called Eyeliss, in addition to Haloxyl. Eyeliss strengthens your capillaries to the point where blood no longer seeps into the eye. It also reduces the bags beneath your eyes by tightening up slackening skin, increasing firmness and elasticity, and improving the drainage of excess fluid in the eye.

In order for a cure for dark circles, puffiness beneath the eyes, wrinkles and sagging skin to be complete, it has got to feature a specially developed blend of enzymes and protein complexes called Cynergy TK. What this magical ingredient does for you is reverse the lagging production of your collagen and elastin, so that you are creating these tissues in greater amounts. Cynergy TK will significantly enhance the look and feel of your skin.

Make no mistake about it. Products featuring Eyeliss, Haloxyl, and Cynergy TK do everything a cure for dark circles, puffiness beneath the eyes, wrinkles and sagging skin is supposed to.

If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.
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