Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Youthful Appearance Restored With This Anti Cream Wrinkle Solution

Most of us never consider proactive skin care until we reach adolescence and develop acne. For those that don’t, it’s our first wrinkle in our thirties that causes us to pause and consider the fact that we’re not going to stay young forever. From the day we’re born our skin continuously regenerates.
To better understand this process our skin is divided up into three layers: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layers. The epidermis is the layer we’re able to visualize and consists of two types of cells, melanocytes and keratinocytes. Melanin is generated by the melanocytes. The more melanin we have, the darker we are. Keratinocytes are found in the bottom layer of the epidermis and produce a protein known as keratin and protects this outer layer. These two types of cells divide, and it takes 14 days for them to reach the surface and another 14-30 days for them to die off.

The epidermis protects the second layer known as the dermis. It provides support and protects us from the environment by absorbing and reducing stress from the outside world. It’s composed of collagen and provides strength and structure. The third layer, known as the subcutaneous layer, consists of loose, connective tissue and fat cells. It’s very much like the dermis and acts as a shock absorber for the body.

A lot of us don’t realize just how important our skin really is. Did you know it’s the largest organ in the body? It protects all of our other organs. Without it for protection everything would just fall out. To give you an example I had a friend who had abdominal surgery. He came home from the hospital and some of the staples holding his incision together came loose. When that happened, his intestines began spilling out everywhere, but he got help and recovered. Now you see what I mean.

We need to take really good care of this organ. It’s vital to our health and well being. It protects us from bacterial invasion, regulates the heat in our bodies and our other organs don’t fall out because it holds them in place. As we age it’s influenced by sun exposure, hygiene practices, heredity, nutrition and our general state of health. There’s also direct correlation between decreased levels of sex hormones and the decrease of underlying tissue. Collagen breaks down, and lines, wrinkles or large pores appear.

My parents kept their youthful appearance for a long time making me very fortunate. When they were sixty, they looked forty. As a child I remember my mother performing her nightly regimen of washing her face before bedtime and applying her anti cream wrinkle solution of Oil of Olay to her face. She never missed a night.

I began applying my mother's best anti wrinkle cream in my thirties, but what worked for her wrinkles, didn't work for mine. I tried several anti cream wrinkle over the counter products. I also spent a lot of money on expensive anti cream wrinkle solutions. They made me look younger and more youthful, but when I ran out of a product, the wrinkles came right back and were more pronounced.

I began searching for an anti wrinkle reducer that not only repaired the wrinkles I already had but also prevented new ones. I kept hearing about Hydroxatone on the radio and seeing commercials advertising it. I still hadn’t found a face cream that worked, and the ingredients in Hydroxatone not only prevented wrinkles but repaired older ones. It was just what I was looking for.

I used Hydroxatone for three months. No one at work ever said a thing, but when I went to visit my sister whom I hadn’t seen in eight months she kept staring at me. She wanted to know what vitamins I had been taking. Was I using a different hair color? She couldn’t quite put her finger on what was different about me. Then lightning struck. What was I putting on my face? She knew I would never resort to plastic surgery. My skin looked healthy and radiant. She was so amazed at the results. She went out and bought Hydroxatone for herself and has been using it ever since.

Don’t become discouraged. Results won't appear right away. After all, your skin didn’t get those wrinkles overnight. It took three months of daily use for anyone to notice, but they finally did and couldn’t wait to try it themselves.

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